This is my Dog Gabby ( Gabriel) - She has been very sick since right before my birthday, we have been babying her - Long doggies can have very bad back problems, and that was the beginning of the end for this sweet dog.
With all the bad weather and snow we have had icy mess in the yard and the little dogs don't like this at all, she had strained something about 3 weeks ago, we let her " rest up " all weekend and on Monday when she still wasn't feeling well we took her to the vet, on Tuesday the 30th . Well she really had a bad back issue going. She wasn't moving very well, so the vet gave us a bit of prednizone ( an anabolic steroid) and some antibiotics and told us we must kennel rest her. well after 24 hours she was feeling better and we let her over do it. so by Friday she was very down in her back and was worse than ever. She had a bulge you could see and she was losing feeling in her hind legs.
The vet we go to had a partner who does acupuncture and we let her do that on that Friday. We wanted gabby to get some relief. We continues the meds and the kennel confinement. and she really wasn't improving, we did another weekend and on Thursday she had another acupuncture treatment. our goal was confinement and treatments and to see how this all went. The doctor said she really was losing feeling and she had loss of control with her bowels at this point as well.
Last night - Saturday evening, she really didn't look well and wouldn't eat or take any food at all. this morning before we were going to go to church , she was urinating blood, and had a real mess going, I told S we had to do something, we couldn't just leave her. So we called the emergency number our vet refers too, and we took her there. As part of the back leg and paralysis she has been suffering the bladder was now infected, we discussed all the options, but felt it was really not a way for her to live, her recovery was not looking too good, and she has been deteriorating for the whole 3 weeks that this has been going on, we have tried to let here heal, but the vet said it was really bad now, and her kidneys could fail and her white cell count was very elevated. So we had to make the hardest decision to let her go in peace.
I held her and loved her all the while and we stayed together with her to the very end. This has been one of the worst days of my life. I am emotionally wrung out and done.
My friend Karen came to get Hh who was the only child we had at home this morning, and I was glad she didn't come with us.
there is another part to this story - remember my neighbor who cut down my tree? well it turns out he's been shooting the dogs. I went to see if I blogged about the tree? but I didn't find it.
anyway one of the things my vet did on the initial consultation visit on the back problem was take x-rays of gabby, so we could see the disk problems, when she came flying out of the exam room, wanting to know how long have I had my dog and did I know my neighbors? Well he has managed to shoot her 4 times and the other dogs have been shot too, I am taking them in next week for x-rays too. This had really aggravated the back issues for her for sure, as one of the shots was along the back bone and one in her rear end, but the other too ( b-b shots) were to her lungs ( aimed and placed to do her damage) . Unbelievably these have been there for close to a year or more now. As this neighbor finally moved out and tried to sell his house though he's not having success with it at all.
this is the worst part of this for me, this is a loving living wonderful pup and he couldn't stand her enough to shoot her! and my other dogs too. He might as well have killed her then for all the grief and pain we have been through in the last three weeks. I did report this to animal control, and I have a phone number for him so I am turning in that information too, along with the reports for gabby and the other two boys as soon as I get them x-rayed as well. I am not sure much justice can be done, as I need to have a witness to him shooting or possessing the air rifles and pellet guns. But the vet and the animal control have both said this is a felony offense, so maybe karma will get him.
I am going to bed now it has been an awful day and a I fear a fitful night for me. But my gabby has gone on to play with all the other puppies and friends that have gone before her. RIP my little girly girl