Wednesday, August 31, 2005
an incredably sad day for me
Then there is the news from my beloved NOLA-underwater, under marshal law and never to be the same again for me. I am saddened by all the loss of life and property and dignity. I am praying and sending money and donating blood. These are the things I can do.
and then Life goes on.....
Monday, August 29, 2005
Lessons learned
saturday night we went to a co-worker's mom's home for a end of summer music blowout- fun great music, my co-worker is a talented guy, so is his mom and her friends. Steven had a little too much fun with jose cuervo and endded up the night driving the porcelin bus!!
So sunday morning we didn't go to church don't tell on me! we slept in too, went to another friend's home to work on the computers and then went to pick up- kids and we went to dinner out.
We got notice from the city our #2 cougar is in code violation, so we now have to " do " something with it, we are probably just going to move it to the back yard and behind a fence so it can't be viewed from the street.
The city has our sidewalk all torn up in front of the houses on our side of the street, it seems anoying to me.
so today I am back on the grind stone and working. not even a layout done at the moment.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Here is a little somthin somethin that made me laugh
Threadbared is the name of the blog and I occassionally read it and just laugh out loud.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
The Queuet mobile may be biting the big one
I am having a sad day in the life of the Van, it may now be time to move on, the transmission is slipping and we need to think of another vehicle solution. It is a 1998 and it has been pretty good to us, we are sure we have gotten our monies worth.
I can’t believe how much this whole thing stresses me out – the cars on the fritz just make me want to loose all my cookies. I want to have a good vehicle but things haven’t really gone our way in the car department. We don’t have a lot of debt right now but it is the little things that would make life easier. We don’t have a lot of free cash at the moment either. I am not sure how we can afford to buy anything and pay for it over the long term. This whole area just makes me weak. We are stretching our budget from end to end with no money coming in from J and T taking up her whole amount on the other, It is hard to believe we have gone for almost 18 months with D here in our house without monetary relief, now with J short changing us too, I am feeling the squeeze.
I feel bad to complain- I wish I had some magic wand to make this a better solution.
Happy birthday Angie P - Blog of ME
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Angie Peterson- blog of ME
thanks for all the great links and cool stuff you post about Angie, you are a great blogger.
Kids off and running
So this morning my routine needed adjusting, I am spoiled in the summer, when the kids don't get up I can have an extra 1/2 hour to do stuff for myself. HH wanted hair done this am and J is riding to school on his new bike. D and Steven are out the door at 7:05 and then maybe I get about 20 minutes to go back downstairs get dressed and get going w/ HH so that she can be dropped at her friend's home- where they walk together from there to the elementary.
I did take HH's photo in front of the school sign , ( something we have done for the last 4 years) it is so great to be able get the date when school starts and then compare how much she has grown and changed since last year.
will try to post a photo later
Thursday, August 18, 2005
have you seen this cool little color thing it lets you pick out days and gives you a colorology for the day
link put on by the pantone company I just love this stuff
this is for my birthday day 02.02
So you are from Denver?
Your diet consists largely of Cliff Bars, granola, tofu and Fat Tire.
You’ve been tear gassed in a riot to celebrate a team’s victory.
When visiting friends at sea level, you can drink a case of beer and not get a buzz.
Snow in June is not unheard of. Neither is 100 degree weather.
You scoff at the weatherman on TV. Especially when giving a five-day forecast.
"Timberline" is somewhere you’ve actually been. Many times.
You know what a "Chinook" is.
You know what the "Peoples Republic of Boulder" is - and why it's called that.
You know what a "fourteener" is.
You know what a "Rocky Mountain Oyster" is.
You think a red light means three more cars can go. The fast lane is for cruising and the slow lane is for passing. Turn signals are optional.
Shorts are worn year around, regardless of temperature.
"Wildlife" means more than squirrels and pigeons. You don’t stop and look when you see deer.
You’re not sure if Colorado extends west of the Rockies.
You know where Buffalo Bill's grave is.
You own a big dog named Aspen, Buck, Cheyenne or Dakota that wears a bandanna.
The entire top of your head is bald, but you still have a pony tail.
You think that formal wear is ironed denim.
You've never actually been to Aspen, much less ski there.
"Damn Rockies" is an expression you use when you can't find a parking spot Downtown.
During a thunderstorm you wonder which I-25 underpass is flooding.
If it rains more than 2 days straight you compare the weather to being in Seattle.
If the humidity gets above 25%, you consider it muggy.
People driving on the 16th Street Mall are considered "tourists".
The biggest event of the year is the Western Stock Show.
The only RTD bus you've been on is the 16th Street shuttle.
The two major newspapers have the same owner, yet one insists on making its own rules regarding what to call the new stadium.
There is not enough money in the world to get you to move to the Springs.
When giving directions, you never say "Turn left, turn right", it's always go West, then South.
When the Broncos are losing you refer to them as the "Donkeys".
You think 5-Points is a ghetto.
You are the third car to run a red light after it has changed.
You consider LoDo a tourist trap with expensive condos.
You have a broken windshield.
You have absolutely no recognizable accent.
You have been skiing less than 3 times in your life.
You know that "The Narrows" refers to I-25 between University and Broadway
You know where the city ended when you were a kid, and would never move further out than that boundary.
You merge onto the highway at 15 miles an hour.
You never plan a picnic between 3:30 and 6:00 in Spring or Summer months.
You only go to Lodo when friends are in from out of town.
You say things like "I don't care how big Parker is, it's still a one-horse town".
You see no reason to travel to Aurora.
You think most of the people in Colorado Springs are religious freaks.
You think the rest of the freaks live in the "People's Republic of Boulder.
"You voted for higher taxes to fund Coors field, but voted down taxes for public transportation.
Thornton, Northglenn and Westminster are "Another State".
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Denver.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
little word associations
- Idiot:: what some of my customers are
- Rocket:: "to the moon Alice"
- Liability:: too costly for words
- Harmless:: sweet samson doggie- he doesn't me anyone harm and he has no mean bones in his body
- Stringy:: cheese on a hot pizza
- Theater:: a high school production of a play
- Gwyneth:: Paltro the first one to come to my mind
- Use it or lose it:: leave vacation and sick time
- Sonic:: creme slush in coconut
- Pucker:: somethign I don't like to do at all
Monday, August 15, 2005
scrap submit
a layout with friends- I love the photo's on this layout - I am going to photgraph some more layouts and submit them too.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Saturday, August 13, 2005
scrap night at Your Paper Garden in Wheat Ridge
We ate Dinner at Parisi
then on to the cutest store Your Paper Garden
Your Paper Garden
5840 West 38th St.
Wheat Ridge, CO 80212
303) 425-0459
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Steven's famous Grand-dad mentioned here
History Soundbite By Dix HarperMal Hansen, NAFB emeritus, NARFD president in 1953 and 1993 NAFB Hall of Fame inductee, has many memories of the young man who became a late-night TV icon.
When Johnny Carson died in late January, WOWT, Omaha, used some of those memories in their eulogy and on their website. And, the next day Mal talked about them with Mike Adams on the 73 stations that carry "AgriTalk." Omaha print media also printed a few of Mal's other memories and told of his appearance on "AgriTalk."
Mal Hansen was farm director on WOW, Omaha, when John Carson came to the station as a staff announcer in 1948 from the University of Nebraska. Carson already had a reputation in Iowa and Nebraska as a magician and ventriloquist. Mal remembers he was a creative hard worker who didn't always behave. He was soon well-known for his quirky humor. He ran the "Happy Ranch" program with country singer Slim Everhart. And, when WOW put WOW-TV on the air in 1949, Mal and Johnny were two radio personalities who were brave enough to work in this new thing called television.
There was no network then, so Mal had a noon farm program and an evening garden show called "In Your Own Back Yard." And, one of his innovations was the establishment of a farmer short course on television. With Iowa and Nebraska Extension people Mal conducted these short courses one hour each day for a week each January. They were very popular with farmers. In addition to announcing for Mal's programs, Carson created his own "Carson's Cellar" and his "Squirrel's Nest" shows.
One night Carson introduced the garden show and Mal began his program. The studio door opened and JohnnyMal and the camera. He went to the kitchen set, one of five side-by-side in the studio, and started dropping pots and pans to floor, cursing loudly. Mal recalled he lost it and didn't know what to do. JohnnyMal. I set the clock ahead ten minutes. You're not on the air yet." Mal said he had a "helluva" time settling down when he actually went on! crossed right between started laughing and said, "It's okay
Mal remembers when Omaha officials were concerned about all the pigeons on the Douglass County Courthouse. Carson went up on the courthouse roof to interview the pigeons! Another time he was walking down the hall after picking up his pay check when he ran into WOW manager Frank Fogerty. Johnny said, "Frank, you want to see a joke?" Frank said, "Sure." Johnny showed him his check.
June 18, 1951, was Mal's 5th anniversary as farm director on WOW. He still has the recording of the program Johnny Carson wrote and narrated to commemorate, tongue-in-cheek, the anniversary. In that familiar voice you hear "This is Johnny Carson with the saga of a boy farm director, born in Dixon, Iowa...a son named Malvin." Then, sounding astonished, "MALVIN???" Johnny claimed Mal's first words were "hogs up ten, corn down..." And his first love at 16 (SOUND of "Moo") was "a cow named Bessie."
Great memories of pioneer farm broadcaster Mal Hansen who's nearly 89 years old
famous people
well I am still not sure
if this is the proper netiquette but I will try to track back
Nope I didn't manage that very well. so instead here is the perma link to Michelle at scrapablity on her entry is on comments on comments and also adressed by Angie Peterson Here
Both entrys are thoughtful and insightful addressing the need for comments on our blogs. Most of the time I just go on about my business and don't really mind that I am not an A-lister and not really too linked out there. Some times I get one comment or two and I really like that alot!
But you know I really just like having fun on a web page, It is definately a way for me to get my thoughts and feelings and fun things like a few layouts out there for my little world to see. So I just like the freedom of choise I have to post what ever trips my trigger.
Instead I will continue to read and post and try to link to those gals I really get a kick out of. And comment and thank them accordingly. Then I will link my little blog to theirs too and have a link back?!?! maybe that will be the best track back I can do.
my blogging code thanks to Lindsay
d* I own 1 domain and keep my blog and any other content I produce on the same site.
t*I use Blogger, BigBlogTool, upsaid or other similar service to update a site on my own web host.
k* I link only to sites I like to read (and sites that I have time to read) on a regular basis.
s* I check my stats occasionally, mostly to discover new blogs that are linking to mine.
u--* I don't link to, nor read, any of the standard A-list blogs (Megnut, Kottke, Robot Wisdom, etc.). In fact, I've never heard of 'em.
f * I try to post once a day, but it doesn't always happen, and that's no big deal.
i*I blog from either home or work, but only after my work is done and when I get some free time.
o+* I blog some original material with the occasional web link with accompanying personal commentary about the link.
x-* I might flirt a little with other bloggers, but anything beyond that is out of the question.
e+* I have posted quite a few photos of myself, but I was fully clothed in them all, thankyouverymuch.
l* I've taken a few surveys or participated in a few memes, but there seem to be so many of them I have to pick and choose.
c* There are a few select people I've specifically kept in the dark about my blogging but, for the most part, most people know about it or could easily find it via a web search.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
my summer ride , I am so happy it is my favorite car!
Your Summer Ride is a Beetle Convertible |
Fun, funky, and a little bit euro. You love your summers to be full of style and sun! |
cards made today
While playing hookie from work! went to a small LSS and made 2 sets of cards to donate to church for the silent auction they are having in November. each set has 12 cards.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
x marks the spot
X marks the spot:
Filed under: Uncategorized — nadine @ 10:40 pm
[x]I am a cuddler.
[ ] I am an okay dancer.
[x] I am a morning person.
[x] I am a perfectionist.
[ ] I am an only child.
[ ] I am Catholic.
[ ] I am currently in my pajamas.
[ ] I am currently pregnant.
[ ] I am currently single.
[ ] I am currently suffering from a breaking heart.
[x] I am okay at styling other people’s hair.
[ ] I am left handed.
[x] I am married.
[ ] I am obsessed with my myspace.
[x ] I am online 24/7, even as an away message.
[ ] I am shy around the opposite sex.
[x] I bite my nails.
[x] I can be paranoid at times.
[ ] I currently have a crush on someone.
[ ] I currently regret something that I have done/am doing.
[x] I curse frequently.
[ ] I don’t hate anyone.
[x] I enjoy country music.
[ ] I enjoy jazz music.
[x] I enjoy smoothies.
[x] I enjoy talking on the phone.
[x] I have a car.
[x] I have a cell phone.
[ ] I have a hard time paying attention at school.
[ ] I have a hidden talent.
[x] I have a lot to learn.
[x] I have a pet.
[ ] I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal.
[ ] I have a tendency to fall for the “wrong” guy/girl
[ ] I have all my (real) grandparents, none of them have died.
[x] I have at least one brother and/or sister.
[x] I have been in a real relationship.
[ ] I have been in a threesome.
[x] I have been to another country.
[x] I have been to Europe.
[x] I have been told that I am very smart.
[ ] I have been told that I have an unusual sense of humor.
[ ] I have broken a bone.
[x] I have Caller I.D. on my phone.
[x] I have changed a diaper/nappy.
[ ] I have changed a lot over the past year.
[x] I have cheated on a significant other.
[x] I have done something illegal.
[ ] I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.
[x] I have had major/minor surgery.
[x] I have had my hair cut within the last week.
[x] I have had sex with someone I was not in a relationship with.
[ ] I have had the cops called on me.
[x] I have kissed someone I knew I shouldn’t.
[ ] I have kissed someone of the same sex.
[x] I have mood swings.
[x] I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
[ ] I have passed out drunk at least once in the past 6 months.
[x] I have rejected someone before.
[x] I have seen The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
[ ] I have seen the television show The O.C.
[x] I have tried a drug that is illegal.
[x] I have watched Sex and the City.
[ ] I have watched the television show Spongebob Squarepants.
[ ] I like Shakespeare.
[ ] I like the taste of blood.
[x] I love to cook.
[x] I like to sing.
[ ] I love Michael Jackson.
[x] I love my friends.
[x] I love sleeping.
[x] I love to play computer games.
[x] I love to shop
[x] I miss someone right now.
[x] I own 100 CDs or more.
[x] I own and use a library card.
[ ] I practice a religion that is not considered mainstream.
[x] I read books for pleasure.
[x] I shave my legs.
[ ] I sleep a lot during the day.
[ ] I strongly dislike maths.
[ ] I think Britney Spears is pretty.
[x] I was born in a country other than the US.
[x] I watch soap operas on a regular basis.
[x] I will try anything once.
[x] I work at a job that I enjoy.
[ ] I would classify myself as ghetto.
[x] I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free
[ ] I can name all 7 of the dwarfs from ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’.
[ ] I am currently wearing socks.
[ ] I hate summer.
[x] I am tired.
[X] I love to paint/draw/sketch/sculpt.
meme" rel="tag">meme
scrapbook" rel="tag">scrapbook
procrastination- Google "Tamara is"
This is from Michelle at scrapablitity
Well, the downunder scrappers have a new game to play. It should be called procastination, but here it is -
Via Ngaire, who got it from Kathryn -
Google “Yourname” Is and give us your top ten results (by the way - no cheating - don’t take out any just because you don’t like them - the top ten and only the top ten)
top ten results
The play Tamara is not the conventional modern theatrics spectacle with one ...Tamara is postmodern theater performed in a mansion with a dozen (or so) well I never knew I was a play!
To Write on Tamara ? covers a span of several years, and Tamara is not at the heart of all of it. Other experiences, including dorm life, Manuel's success .. Iam note sure what is being written about me at all.
tamara is also a vertical relative work enthusiast with nearly 600 vertical ...tamara is in the soup tamara mello's "tortilla soup" opens in august .. Hmmmn didn't know i was soup either, these are at least interesting
As a tag for the journal TAMARA, is the "stories we chase from room to room inthe mansion of organization science." We seek an interview with John Krizanc I like the fact that there might be a sort of scrapping reference here
The play Tamara is not the conventional modem theatrics spectacle with one ...Tamara is postmodern theater performed in a mansion with a dozen (or so) I have the company of others
Tamara is also a recipient of the National Speakers Association's Certified ...Tamara is married and has three children. She lives in Bozeman, Montana. Nope not me, I am married, but have 4 children and live in arvada
Queers Tamara Is A Punk lyrics. ... so you better not knock her Tamara is a punk,she's a real punk rocker Tamara is a punk and I wish she was my girl I've A punk rocker I am not and queer I am not either :)
One thing about Tamara is that she has never been good at sticking to her resolutions... Matter of fact, Tamara is likely to be President-for-life, unless, This is intersting, do they know me? I have a tough time sticking to my resolutions
queers LYRICS,Tamara Is A Punk ,Queers Tamara Is A Punk Lyrics, Queers Tamara IsA Punk Song no punk songs for me
Tamara is unusual in having danced three versions of Juliet. ... Asked aboutdeveloping Ashton style, Tamara is not sure what it is. - darn tooting i have know idea what they are talking about here LOL so there you have it my procrastination.
/google this" rel="tag">google this
Monday, August 08, 2005
digital layout
Sunday, August 07, 2005
The Sunflowers are in bloom
Saturday, August 06, 2005
I am loving this picture function on Blogger!!
working on the bathroom??
This is the ongoing saga of a bathroom ( master )
This is my Karma advertising at Mohawk.
everytime I have opened any type of magazine with style or focused on remodleing or bath, this ad jumps out at me. And we are working to some form of this shower, it will fall to me to do the tile and I for one am up for this challenge!! bring it on !!!
Steven has managed to re-route the water and the gas in prep of this chore. It has been a slow and painful 3 years since we first decided to really tackle this project... at first we really didn't think outside the box with this project, the bathroom is in such a way and has been this way for the life of the house that it was very difficult to think of a different configuration. Of course there is the matter of me being spoiled by having a private space even if it is not in great shape, I hate sharing my bathroom with just anyone LOL. So the thought of having to sacrifice my privacy and use the " kids Bathroom" just sucks, but at some point I will have to for at least a little while ( my hope is a few days tops) -- but there is still lots to be done, we have to actually take out concrete in the basement floor in order to get a drain in place for bath and shower and we are moving the toilet to another spot too, that will me re-routing its drainage too, though in the end I think we will be very happy with the out come.
We will have a seperate private toilet space and and double vanity , a jetted tub I hope and a seperate shower with some look of the above.
So a new wall is up as of last week and today one of the vanities and the sink is in place they are working on conecting it to the water too!! So maybe we will have a place to wash up faces and teeth. Steven and D are back there working, Steven trying to explain to D the whys of what he wants the outcome to be. YEAH !!
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Looking for my friend Ching
CC had a big row and los of fall out and I haven't seen her online for about 2 months.
I hope all is well friend
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Colorado crop and shop
Shop at many of the leading Scrapbook companies. Attend classes from Industry Experts. Visit at least 15 different free Make and Take booths all included with your Expo entrance ticket. Enjoy hourly door prize giveaways all day Friday and Saturday.
Monday, August 01, 2005
word association
Unconscious Mutterings
- Risks:: calculated way to go through life, or things NOT to do
- Abdominal:: muscles of which I don't have many after 4 surgeries there
- Radiant:: glowing, new life in a friend
- The usual:: everyday duties, chores
- Mix and match:: socks, lol our idea of a match might not be yours
- Wireless:: phone a way to connect with another
- Remedial:: do over, not positive
- Mile:: as high as my city
- Long lost:: love
- Only one:: way to do things, my way or the highway
a little rant
They both managed to trash at least one book each last year! J's was a 8.00$ fine and D's a 60.00$ one and a 20.00$ one these guys think there are no consequences- I say fooy to that. J's fees are high as this is his 1st year and he wants to take wood shop 65$ for that activity, yikes, then there is the little nagging thing called the car.... as D is going to be 15 tommorrow we are already anticipating this I say yikes again.
to add to all this ex-himself is looking to go bankrupt and has not paid me support for more than a month now, we are seriously in arears and it is very tough to come up with this money to make all this happen!!! !
he has managed to pay me 150 of 350 he owes me for june and none for the month of july. So we sat down all the kids and told them - belt tightening was happening and we would only be able to do things that don't take alot of our resources, we must meet the mortgage too.... this is really a hard time. I have to vent one other item as well- we have had D for more than a year now, and that support to ex-herself certainly has not been reduced either- it would help ease the belt tightening if something would just give, but lord help us - neither thinks it matters much.
I will say here though I want to thank God for all that I have in terms of blessings- the kids, and all the good things in my life, especially Steven, he is my rock through hard times. Without faith I would have nothing, With Him all things are possible. Knock and a door shall be opened for you. Praise him from whom all blessings flow.