Saturday, November 08, 2008

woodbadge breakfast

This event occurs two times a year in the DAC and this is one of them! Today one of my patrol mates got beaded with his second bead, after completing his tickets. we have one more patrol mate to go and our patrol will be the first one to have all members finish from our WE5-61-2-07 group. It was nice to be able to see others that I don't get to visit with very often. And breakfast was outstanding as scouters really apprciate a good breakfast.

a collection was take up for the scholarship fund and about 1000$ was raised, this is near and dear to my heart as I recieved a scholarship and help from my good Friends Karen and Art P. I really changed my attitude and loved the camraderie I formed during my 6 days of my course. I am very grateful for the opportunity that was given to me.
Now to go to work on that third Bead?? as a staffer. !!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great photo of you!