Tuesday, February 27, 2007

random ness with pictures

This is making memories big sticker letters! I put these on the mirror for S on valentines day - we had a dance at the church too, it was fun, my former co-worker came and did the dj thing, we had a lovely turn out about 20 people given that the snow was falling and traffic was terrible and crazy.

The Girls in posterized form! these are Hh's girlfriends from school, we took them roller skating and to pizza and had a blast crafting each of them a altered letter, they each got one cute t-shirt with a butterfly on it, some sox and other cool items in their goody bags. they didn't get much sleep but they had fun. We wanted to go see bridge to terabethia movie, but not everyone wanted to do that. This wild hair came on after we got back and were opening presents... they made me laugh and laugh.

My aunty is talented lady too, here is her newest endevor at a great age. A web page showcasing her artistry and life, my family - she made wood cuts and prints from those, it is facinating , my long lost 2nd removed cousin made these pages for her.

Josh Golden is a talented musician along with his wife, and he can be heard here on his joshualittlestream page , he plays guitar and sings and is just nice. I am happy to have made some contact with him as well, and hope to cultivate a friendship in the future too.

This is the best stuff, my girl Kate this is Tupperware!!! cool cup and outstanding snack set of 4 just for valentines, with the best homemade tags and yummy chocolate. And it came just in time for the best valentines day celebration.

Then there is The real Birthday of Hh, who is now 11 years old, the best gift she got? was this

this is the cuddly lamb from build a bear- she collects lambs and this was the best, it says 5 different hip girl sayings- including lets go shopping. HHHHaaaaaaHaaaa

1 comment:

Aisling said...

I'm sure I miss out on stuff having boys. They don't tend to be into crafty parties. they would much rather stuff themselves with pizza and have a computer games marathon! Or run around in a field shooting each other with paint balls. YUCK!