Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pumpkin fun- socks and- civic duty

these are our creations this year, we didn't carve last year. I finnally convinced S to " do " halloween again-- a couple of years ago we had two 4 foot tall black lights and an awesome display and some kids from the neighboorhood - stole our lights and smashed up some of the cool stuff we had - a day after Halloween.
So we bought two new black lights and some cool florecent stuff ( lights up) - and I will take some pictures of it tonight or tomorrow. S mounted the lights under the eave on the house and now they will be safe from vandals this year.
I want some one to knit me a pair of these- look at what Rebecca Sower got a picture on her blog
I voted ! one of the largest ballots the State of Colorado has had since 1902, it was difficult and time consuming, But I feel good knowing that my Freedom has been protected and exercised.

** edited original post to add additional things to end of it.

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