Saturday, October 08, 2005

little nostalgia

10 Years Ago - October 1995

In October 1995 I was woking for the USGS and still married to my ex. we were living in a house I liked. I was pregnant with HH and enjoying the time to get things ready for her. I didn't know it was a girl at the time.

5 Years Ago - October 2000

I had just left my job at the survey and was going to stay at home with Hh while we did pre-school and got ready for kindergarden. I just met my Friend Kate! her daughter and mine were in the same pre-school class and and all of us became fast friends.

1 Year Ago - October 2004

I was working hard and I thinking ahead to thanks giving and Steven's birthday.

Yesterday - friday
I worked hard all day and then went to the church to hostess a crop, 4 people came, I had fun and altered a little lunch pail, I will post some photos of it soon,we stayed up late , in fact I am bloging instead of being in bed, so I will sign off and get to bed.

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