Thursday, March 22, 2007

journal from AMX ad

JoAnna Tuesdays frog

Here's the list:
My name : Tamara
childhood ambition : to be a teacher
fondest memory : vacations with my family
soudtrack : Iz- somewhere over the rainbow
retreat : mountain or secluded scrapping time
wildest dream: to drive a race car
proudest moment : birth of my children
biggest challenge : blending a family and loving a special needs child
alarm clock : clock radio set to local country station.
perfect day : Sun shine, family fun
first job: hostess
indulgence : chocolate truffles
last purchase : scraping stuff
favorite movie : Jerry Maguire
inspiration : My friends and talented scrappers , Kate, Karen and Rebecca Sower
My life : always on the go- checking a calendar- never saying no. :)
My card (okay, you can skip that one)

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