Tuesday, November 11, 2008

living and dying

We lost a co-worker and friend over the weekend. Yesterday the vice president of our department had nice words to say to everyone. It is a big loss for one area of our department in particular as this lady was an intergral part of our opperations.

about a year ago when it was evident that she was having trouble, I took on the task of loving her plants. They have remained in my office and I care for them daily and water them weekly. It was the one small thing I could do at a time when my co-workers were sad by knowing this lady would be having a long road to recovery at best and at worst would not return to her position here. Well I now have her living legacy in the plants she lovingly nursed back to health. I am glad knowing that this little bit of her will remain with me, I didn't have the chance to know her as well as others do here at work... but I am glad I could do a little to confort those around me.

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