Thursday, May 04, 2006

fun with monkeys

Pretty cute balloon monkey we got at beau Jo's the other night the ballon entertainment was very funny and talented.
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Anonymous said...

This makes me laugh so hard! I guess because I wonder what exactly that monkey is doing?!? Also, it makes me think of the woman from Tajikistan who "works" in my department. She spends a lot of time on the phone speaking a language that none of us understand. (Doesn't that always make you want to know even more what is being said!?) She has a phrase that she uses all of the time and it sounds like "bla bla bla funky monkey bla bla bla..." Now I have a picture to put with her words!

Queue_t said...

hey what about that Tequilla too!! do you see it in the background with the hat on?? - well now we know what fun that monkey is, you make me laugh!!