Thursday, March 01, 2007

a team sport! scrapbooking

" When accepting his award for best supporting actor at the Academy Awards on Sunday, Alan Arkin, the grandfather in “Little Miss Sunshine,” called acting a “team sport.” “I can’t work at all unless I feel the spirit of unity around me,” he said.
So many creative pursuits are like this, aren’t they? We thrive when we surround ourselves with others who value creativity and who challenge us to grow and try new things. I know when my creativity’s blocked, if I stop and chat with a friend about what’s stumping me, the ideas will be flowing again in no time. "

Katie Hilbert, newsletter editor for memory makers magazine

I love this quote and thought from Alan and from Katie!! I can't wait to do a team sport soon with my pals-


Anonymous said...

Creativity definitely requires a little rejuvenation now and then. I was really lacking there for a while but I feel it coming back. I even did an entire two page spread from start to finish today. (Fanfare and confetti, please!) :)

Unknown said...

I loved what he said too.

Jenny said...

I completely agree! I have a group of ladies that comes over once a month to work on whatever projects we have going's a lot of fun and we get tons done!